
We were up and out quite early this morning for a walk at the beach with the boys, stopped for a drink at Molly's in Rottingdean and then walked back over the top of the cliffs.  I love it at this time of year when all the wild flowers are in bloom - this was taken at the top looking over our beach in Saltdean.  We're so lucky that we have this on our doorstep and yet have the countryside too, it really is the best of both worlds!

Once home, Alan continued working on the base for the summerhouse which gets delivered in a week's time, and I hoovered, mopped the floors and made a Sunday roast.   I don't know where the time's gone, and can't believe my four days off go much quicker than my three days in work!

Apologies once again for being a terrible blip friend, I'm struggling to keep up with the comments at the moment and really appreciate you stopping by with all your lovely comments, hearts and stars x

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