
By Chiara

Empty airport

I think this looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie.

Jada Pinkett Smith came to my school today to give a speech and do a Q&A session on... I don't know? Does she have a movie that's coming out anytime soon?

Naturally, everyone was buzzing about it. A lot of film students make such a huge deal every time we have a celebrity visitor here at Columbia. I've always found it funny that these people want to be in the film industry and may work with celebrities one day, yet they still act like silly starstruck teenagers every time they see one. It takes me back to the time when I was in L.A. doing a summer film program (summer '05). We had our first guest speaker, who was the writer and producer of Gladiator. After he finished talking, at least five students hounded him for autographs. Later, the program director ripped them a new one. She said, "Have you ever seen a person go up to a colleague and ask them for an autograph? You will be one of these people someday. Act professional or you're finished."

Well, anyway, I was alone on the fourth floor, waiting for an elevator. One opened, and an important-looking man was inside. He gave me a quick smile and said, "You'll have to wait for the next one. Sorry." As the doors closed, I noticed someone standing behind him -- Jada Pinkett Smith. I have to admit it was kind of neat seeing her in person.

I can't wait for November 4th! There's a rumor that Obama will be in Grant Park (the park in the picture) to give his acceptance speech if he wins. If that's true, you bet your ass I'll be there.

Reject: John A. Logan statue

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