
By Chiara

Irish soda bread

I voted today! I had to stand in line for only one hour. According to the news, some people had to wait in line for as long as five hours! Crazy, huh? During that hour, I entertained myself by watching people leave the polling room and trying to figure out which candidate each person voted for.

As for my blip choice, I wasn't sure whether to go with this or this one. Obviously, I've already made my choice, but I would like to know which one you guys like more.

I went to my burned-down apartment building this morning to give some furniture to people from Craigslist. I've given away free stuff many times in the past, but this was the first time I've ever done a "first come first serve" thing.

What. A. Disaster.

A lot of people came. A guy pissed in the broken toilet. Another guy took the futon apart and brought only the screws home with him. Someone put out their cigarette on the floor. A woman threw a hissy fit because I told her she couldn't take everything. A dirty old man hit on me. Another woman walked into other units and made away with a bunch of clothes.

The only decent person of the lot was a guy who only wanted a microwave. I told him it was gone, and he looked sad. "Thank you," he said. "Have a nice day."

Everyone else? They didn't utter a word of gratitude as they made away with my things.

If I had to do it all over again, I would've sucked it up and gone the usual route: making appointments. I decided to do a "first come first serve" thing this time because I was too busy to make multiple appointments to accommodate everyone.

In the past, I always picked out the most polite emails ("Hello, I'm sorry about the fire. Is everything OK? I like the TV stand. Is it still available? If so, I would love to have it. Thanks.") over curt, rude emails ("tv stand i want it"), and, as a result, the people I gave stuff to were always nice and delightful.

I'm positive the guy who wanted the microwave would've written one of these nice emails, and everyone else wouldn't have taken the time to write a decent email. I learned a lesson: take the time to give things to people who really deserve it.

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