A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Saturday chill.

A bank holiday weekend when you are retired is not really a treat unless you have some family occasion planned.

So to avoid crowded places and busy roads we stayed in the garden!

After finishing cleaning the oven and getting the bedding and towels out on the line, I did some weeding and tidying in the front garden. Made a start in the back but decided to get the deckchair out for the first time this year and chill with my coffee, whilst reading the garden magazine (I have to confess that Chris brought me a bacon sandwich out too!)

Apart from popping in to get my book and put on some rhubarb and orange to roast, I have done nothing else but read.
A lovely chilled day and no bank holiday hassle.

Sadly the weather is to go downhill, we hear, but whatever you UK people are doing on the last bank holiday until the end of the summer, I hope you enjoy it.

Obviously my blip had to come from the garden. These giant purple Alliums are just about to burst into flower. The purple/pink azalea is out and I photographed them in full flower last year with the azalea so they are a bit behind.
The tulip heads photographed a week ago are only just opening and the Peony bud that had accolades in the previous weeks Maymacromayhem challenge is still not open. Just shows how cold it has been!

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