Driving Miss Caitlin

An early trip to Bury St Edmunds for D to take photos for Sam the Barber. Poppy and I did some shopping while the boys had their haircut.
Alfie had his lovely 'friend' (who happens to be a girl), Caitlin, over this afternoon. They got fed up with us after about 5 minutes and disappeared out to wander around the village.

When they got back, I made the mistake of asking Caitlin to stay for dinner, much to Alf's annoyance. They fired up the Wii and Poppy (who was soooooo excited to finally meet Caitlin) played gooseberry for a while, insisting on joining them for a few games of Mario Kart then, after steak and chips,  D drove Caitlin home with Alfie and Poppy keeping her company and Poppy no doubt talking her to death in the back of the car.

D and I sorted out a whole heap of tat for me to take to the car boot sale tomorrow which was an oddly therapeutic experience. Let's hope I'm not bringing it all back home again tomorrow afternoon!

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