
After breakfast I went up to the dump and when I got back SWMBO was AWOL.
It didn't take long to find her though.
She was back in bed not feeling well.
Which didn't really surprise me because it was pretty sticky and oppressive in the bedroom when I woke up which means a change in the weather ..... which in turn can affect her quite badly.
True to form, she has been in bed all day (and evening) with a migraine and has been unable to keep any food down.

So I got on with untangling a honeysuckle from the wisteria and cutting it down.
Then another trip to the dump.

I also took a load of pictures of the lilac - which has eventually decided to flower - and the Welsh poppies (not very successfully it has to be said due to very bright sun on then and the wind blowing them about).

This evening I headed off to the golf club by myself to the race night.
It was a good laugh and much rowdier than the last one - and the buffet was, as usual superb.
I didn't come home in profit, but I didn't lose a lot and I did win an hour long 'sports' massage.
No idea how that differs from a normal massage ........... maybe the lady (and it is a lady apparently) runs up and down my back, which I have to admit afters todays gardening is screaming at me.

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