Red Letter Day

Today was a Red Letter Day.

Today I got to meet in person the very lovely Dotty. We've been in touch via other social media sites for a wee while but had never met in person before today.  I learned that she's even more beautiful on the inside than the outside.  I always knew that, but it's great to have it confirmed in person.

I could have easily spent the whole day in her delightful company. I hope to see her again before too long. Thank you lovely Dotty.

In the late afternoon Dr T and I picked up bignonioides and Shandonner in Betty (she's back, finally!, and better than ever!). We ventured off into the sunset to Stirling, home of nrap.  Oh, what a delicious meal he treated us to - all home made, like salsa, guacamole and even ice cream (raspberry and basil)!  I could have stayed all night...and we nearly did.  There was that wonderful, comfortable feeling of having eaten great food in delightful company and telling silly, silly jokes.  Many thanks lovely nrap.

And we raised a toast to Ireland. Go raibh maith agat.

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