Stuff & things

By Lou

Book worm

We are big readers in this house hold, so at 5 months Harrisson already has a shelf full of his own books :)

We read to him as much as we can, and his fabric books are some of his favourite toys (admittedly I think that's mainly because they crinkle!), but he is starting to show lots of interest in his board books and happily plays with them for a little while. Usually they are a bit easier to handle than this one, this one is a bit big, but he doesn't mind in the slightest!

My mum nipped over for a few hours and we just about had time to nip over to a near by gift shop that has a gorgeous coffee shop there. While Harrisson charmed the other customers and was super nosey, we had coffee and a yummy scone each!

In the afternoon we had the excitement of our new dryer being delivered, then a lazy evening :)

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