Red Squirrel


Radiant Rugosa

Have been busy today clearing out my 6' x 8' shed - a job I've been putting off for a long, long time as it's packed full - it's incredible just how much stuff one can cram into a 6' x 8' shed! But there were things embedded in amongst the contents which I'm going to need within the next 2 weeks, so the job HAD to be done - like it or not. I have to admit that I feel much happier now that it IS done - one less thing to nag at my conscience!
Not much time to spare for blip-hunting, so I'd already decided to grab some shots of my pink Rosa Rugosa. The sun was out to a degree at this point and the effect of it illumnating the flowers to a radiant pink was quite satisfying. Blip sorted ...
I hope my fellow blippers have had a great 4 day weekend, whether out celebrating the Jubilee, out celebrating anything they can find an excuse for , or like myself grabbing the opportunity to get done some things there wouldn't otherwise have been time for! xx

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