A stitch in time...

must be monday !Started off by having to bring cattle back in to get the vet to sort the bullock they castrated on Thursday. His wound had let a piece of fatty tissue protrude through.  Vet sorted it, OK now.
Spent most of the day hauling heifers from the shed out to grass. It was a 5 mile round trip,5 loads,25 miles and never left the farm !
Got home tonight to find a pair of legs poking out one of the in calf heifers. Tried calving her with the jack,but it was a big calf,and no way was it going to come out the conventional route! Got the vet back again,and he did a caesarean. A live calf so worth while. Milked some out and the calf sucked the bottle no bother.The cow not up yet,but the epidural hasn't worn off yet. Should be OK by the morning.

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