am bioran

By AmBioran

Beinn Leoid

Back on the Cape Wrath Trail again, last year I had finished at a sunny and warm Inchnadamph in April; today in late May it was like March. Cool and breezy.

Anyway after a crack-of-dawn start from Edinburgh, I was striding up the path into the hills at Inchnadamph by 10:15. After an hour or so I reached the summit of Glas Bheinn overlooking the Loch of the Green Corrie, except it wasn't green, it was grey. Like the weather. The forecast predicted a frontal system pushing east over the NW Highlands through the afternoon, with heavy rain until the following day.

I had a decision to make, whether to head direct to a bothy; continue over another Corbett and wild camp, or continue over another Corbett and continue to the bothy. After a conference with myself, I chose the latter. I won't bore you with details but it was the right decision. Primarily because I found myself with a walk down Gleann Dubh after climbing Beinn Leoid, and what a gleann! I felt like I was in Norway or Fiordland in NZ. It was simply stunning. I'm amazed I've never heard or seen it before.

The bothy was empty. I had a good evening watching a seal playing in the loch whilst I ate my rehydrated pasta.

29Km, 8.5hours.

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