am bioran

By AmBioran

Gleann Dubh

Leaving the bothy.

Overnight the rain and wind battered the roof and I could see white caps blowing up the loch. The sun was out for spells but it was going to be another day for waterproofs.

As I packed up, I heard the door going downstairs and a voice shouting a greeting. A fellow walker was passing by en-route to the same destination. He stopped for a brew and we had a chat about the weather/bothies/the route. He was on a bit of a mission to complete the route in 10.5days - though not sure how he can claim the 'completion' if he hitch-hiked from Oykel Bridge to Incnadamph the day before. Anyway....

Today's walk was much shorter, just over the hills to Achfary and a wild camp in the woods near the (sadly) locked bothy of Lone. I had last camped here in 2011 and it was as cold and miserable that time. Not a great camp. Rain throughout the night.

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