Dog Days and Life

By hellcats


Managed to tire the little horror out. He has been driving us all mad today, particularly Drake who has been really tired after his competition, all he wanted to do was sleep.

So we went running and left Drake at home in peace. Cedar has yet to learn the art of pacing himself and I can tell you when I'm attached via a piece of bungee cord it makes for a fast run when we first set off!

He's really got some strength behind him now and it's time for his first running harness. He'll probably grow out of it but he has to have one. There's no borrowing from Drake as he's a bit of a giant and runs very differently with me. So I think we will be popping into the vets this week for a weigh in. It'll be interesting to see how he's coming on after being ill. I think there may also be some wrestling as I try and measure him.

Poor Drake as well as being pestered by pup has had a tick on him, most likely from his forest adventure on Friday. It evaded my inspections and combing after the walk and has suffered for it's nasty blood sucking antics. Just have to keep an eye on the wound site now.

"He didnt know what was defeating him, but he sensed it was something he could not cope with, something that was far beyond his power to control or even at this point in time comprehend. "

Hubert Selby Jr., Requiem for a Dream

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