Baby Emu

I can't really count today's blip as a maymacromayhem entry but I did manage to get pretty close to this lovely baby emu on our way back from Lithgow this afternoon.  We often stop to say hello and they are usually pretty happy to wander over to the gate and have a chat.

Thanks so much for your kind wishes over the past two days.  I thought some blippers may not be aware of the extraordinary history behind the naming of the "Peace Rose", so if you like to know more, here is a link to the dramatic story surrounding one of the most popular roses in the world.

I'm just going to browse through as many new macro entries as I can before heading off again on another adventure.  No not overseas, just down to Lawson :-)  Only 5 more sleeps before the end of the maymacromayhem challenge, so keep them rolling in fellow macro lovers.  We want to make Paladian's job as tough as we can :-)........Don't we Paladian!!!

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