Wide Angle Wednesday - Opposites

I thought this might be satisfactory for the challenge on a number of levels.  Opposites are easy in a cemetery The obvious one is the living and the dead - I'm living and the dead are not.  There's also the opposites of manicured and derelict.  The opposites of plain and unadorned and curlicued and grandiose.  Take your pick.

Today was our last activity for History Month of May in the Mitcham Council area; we went on a cemetery walk to commemorate the Fallen of World War 1.  It was interesting, but it seemed to me that a disproportionate number of them died due to disease (dysentery, trench fever and the like) rather than in actual fighting.

So many sad stories, and such a terrible waste.  In the Rower's Blip two brothers died in France on the same day.  Imagine how their Mother must have felt.

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