A grey day
A vast change in the weather from sunshine and blue skies yesterday to the greyest of skies and rain and wind by this evening. Bailey and I walked from the West End and down the length of the Stone Jetty in Morecambe this morning. Eric's statue attracts the most interest but the other sculptures along the prom and particularly on the Stone Jetty, have the better view in my opinion. There are four of these cormorants at the Midland Hotel end of the jetty watching over the Bay and today their weatheredness blended in perfectly with the sky and the sands.
Plans for another walk this afternoon were thwarted by rain and then wind and the walk around the block after tea felt more like October than nearly June. Back over the tops tomorrow before heading up to Derbyshire on Friday for a walk up a big hill on Saturday so fingers crossed for the return of the blue skies.
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