
By GloryGlory

Another adjustment in parenting

When the kids used to have friends round it was pretty full on. UN peace keepers would have been proud, as would Koko the clown or someone of similar entertainment skill. Now, like today, when they have visitors round it's another story...
When I called for them for dinner I dutifully explained what lay before them and poured their drinks, all to very polite Ps&Qs and nothing more. The moment I stepped out of the room the party atmosphere stepped in and conversation flowed. I now, clearly, cramp their style.

Here they are. Great pals part way through some drama or other that I wasn't party to. 

I took up my duties as chief cook and bottle washer and reflected on the turning of time.

Very sweet eavesdropping moment; Master B to young Hope (the happy victim in this Blip) in a hushed sincere voice; "When I'm a grown up I'm going to dive to the bottom of the ocean and bring you a pearl." Scoop me off the floor now! 

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