People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Filters, and what not

My new massive computer that also happens to take pictures camera has a bunch of weird settings which I try to explore a bit at a time. I could, of course, read the manual, but what would be the fun in that. So, this image was taken using some sort of pre-set bunch of filters. The original was very green (I guess the camera picked up on the shrubbery), so I toned it down a bit. I like how it looks like a fairy tale a bit, with the mysterious edges and slight mist or something.

We drove up to a weird little town called Rosemary Beach. It looks like someone took a tour of Europe (Switzerland, Germany, Austria, with a pinch of Spain and France), mixed it with the local famous resort town called Seaside, and plopped it on the beach. Despite unclear parentage, the place is quite charming. We had bad luck with food, but I cannot assume all restaurants there are bad. We had instead good luck with entertainment; a small theater troupe put on the Sleeping Beauty on one of the town's greens. It was funny, charming, and the kids ate it up. It is quite amazing how early on the kids get the concept of make-believe. 

What a lovely time we're having!

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