People on a Bridge

By zerohour


Hello, campsite! Hello, Uncle Dave's hammock!

LM doesn't nap. Hasn't done so since he was two. HOWEVER, normal rules don't apply when camping. We were all so tired, we got there, pitched our tent, and everybody collapsed with their respective books: Uncle Dave was reading some anti-government conspiracy theory vampire novel, HD read "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" , LM devoured "The 5th Wave" (after his nap, that is), and I consumed Angela Duckworth's "Grit". All was well with the world.

I like camping. I like being in nature, being woken up by birds, having my morning tea by the fire and smelling like it, hiking and site-seeing all day long, and roasting marshmallows after well-deserved dinner. What I don't like, is lack of showering facilities, and uncomfortable sleeping set-up. I know some campsites have showers (have yet to make it to one), and it is possible to find some substrate to soften the Earth (have yet to find one). So, until I solve my two major complains, I will continue to camp in short bursts only.

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