...........indoor picnic tea.............

A busy day on the phones and  t'interweb....................house clearers booked for Saturday morning to clear Dad's shed, greenhouse and garage...........estate agents sorted for Monday.........Virgin media cancelled at dad's...........the sister has got carpet for the bathroom.

So Saturday is a trip North to supervise the clearance..........lay the carpet.........mow the lawns and drop the keys off at the Estate Agents....and hopefully the house will be on the market early next week.

Charlie arrived at lunch time........Hannah around 5.30....the daughter arranged an indoor picnic tea.......they're staying for a sleep over.

Tomorrow is the Daughter's birthday...........so I'm taking everyone to the local pub...............for breakfast!!!!!..........unlimited, all you can eat bacon, sausage, eggs, beans, tomato, hash browns, toast and tea or coffee...........£3.99 a head...........I think we can manage that.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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