........I've earned these..........

Up at the crack of dawn.......after a really crappy night's sleep.......to drive to Dad's to meet the firm I hired to clear the shed, green house and garage.......and to cut his lawns .......and a couple of other jobs.

The Son and Heir and the Boss along to help.

30 miles down the road a phone call from the firm............the truck had broken down so they couldn't make it...........carried on regardless as my sis was waiting to meet us. We changed plans and set to work........cleared out the shed..........except for the garden furniture my sis wants.............strimmed the lawn and then mowed them.......... my lovely cousin Mary and the wonderful Pete turned up............Pete repaired the boiler and they saved some plants........and pots.....and tools........that would otherwise have been thrown out...........sprayed all the paths with weedkiller.....by which time it was 4.00 p.m. and time to head home. We'll need to go back next Saturday to finish off......and to meet the clearance firm ..........and then the house can go on the market.

Treated everyone.including the Daughter,YH, Charlie and Hannah to Chinese food............cleared away......filled up with petrol........sorted the gear for fishing tomorrow.............had a shower.........and guess what?...............I'm in that knackered state that makes you feel good..........and ready for an early night.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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