
By Mems

Gladness for Madness

Getting ready for Madness tomorrow by testing their own brew. Not bad at all. Looking forward to the Madness that will ensue with many of my friends going along to the event too- the best news is that the pubs are still open when the gig finishes!
Busy day today with a haircut-leaving me looking two- tone where my dyed hair has been shaved off, apt for tomorrow! Then coffee catch up with the bestest and her beautiful babies and finally lunch and shopping with mum and lil' sis'. Great to spend the day out with mum-filled with laughter, such a rare occasion these days,we need to do it more.
Film with the lil' sis' who's sleeping over,whilst the other half sleeps off a feeling of being under the weather. Can't be missing the concert tomorrow !

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