movie time
A short day at work: this afternoon was spent having a health MOT, the first proper checkup I've ever had. Interesting stuff. Two and a half hours later I left with a nearly spotless bill of health which, given my advancing years and general decrepitude (thanks Tung), is not bad. It was a really interesting experience: lots of poking, listening, monitoring, bodily fluid* taking and analysis, and finally an exercise session on a bike with increasing cadence and resistance while I had blood pressure, ECG and VO2 monitored.
As I was out of office for so long I took a half day and left early, getting home just in time to find +2/3 and +3/3 settling down to a movie with some popcorn. The dog was enthralled... with the popcorn.
* TMI, I know.
- 1
- 0
- Fujifilm X-Pro1
- 1/60
- f/2.0
- 18mm
- 800
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