It's not so grim up North

By Richy

Story Bridge II

The one thing about Brisbane is when you see a shot, invariably there is no where to stop! This bridge is actually quite hard to photograph without an expedition....again something I'm finding quite hard.
In other news I began building a new photography website today. I also have a meeting this evening with an interior designer whom I have already done a commissioned set of photographs for to do their photography on eight show homes and an office block!

Thankyou for all your kind words on my previous blip, I will thank you all personally. Things have been extremely hard work just lately and we're just going through the motions at the mo, things just feel far from normal. The people who I relied on (apart from Mrs Richy) for friendship and support are all 10,000 miles away. Lots to think about.
My thoughts today are with an old friend of mine Mark, who is going through a horrible time, not only has he just lost his Dad, his partner also lost her life battle. I can only imagine how lost he must feel. Mark is also a blipper, if you come across him spare a thought or prayer. MarkP

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