Life as a Geek

Not only do I have addictive tendencies, as do most of you reading this, but I am a self confessed geek. I do love gadgets and would much rather spend my money on electronic gadgets than on shoes or make up.

It was not always thus. I can remember being terrified of a computer I had to use many moons ago which was so huge it occupied its own basement room and spat out punched cards in the middle of the night during my arranged work slot.

However the advent of Apple with its pretty G3 coloured desk top computers changed my life and now I look forward to every new electronic gadget that they produce- MacBooks, I- pads, I-phones, I -watches, you name them I covet them, much to the disapproval of Android loving family members. The only gadget I do not like much is the I-reader; a real paper book is much more satisfying to hold.

This latest acquisition is an I-phone 6 and the transition from the old phone was seamless with no fiddling around getting a Pac number to transfer my mobile number.

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