Capital adventures

By marchmont


One aim of the new regime failed, I did not rise to go swimming. In fact I didn't get up till nearly 10. Then it was the making the most of the sunshine: washing, cutting the grass (front and back), and weeding and weeding and weeding.

A lunchtime interlude, Skyping KL. Olivia has a new song, the Baa baa song which I am told is from the Minions movie. We think she recognised me, well she kept crawling towards the i-pad.

Tonight #3 son, #1 gf and I went out to celebrate #3 son's success in getting a place of the Scottish Gov't Graduate Dev Programme. Well done, M.

Early night. I have to be in Port at 8 to cheer on our Marathon runners, and #2 son. No sun forecast, heavy rain and wind.

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