Capital adventures

By marchmont

Coming Home

First things first - you'll see there are blue skies over south Edinburgh today. the first for a while, a very long while. it might almost be considered warm.

I woke feeling I had a hangover which was odd as last night I had a half pint of Indian beer and 2 orange and sodas. I think it's more like the 'office cold' has migrated to my head.

Nevertheless, I dragged myself to the West End for a meeting, not quite secret, but not far off it, at the Scotland Office, in a room dominated by John Bellany's portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth. Apparently I'm the only one who's said they like it.

We talked referendum and constitution and devolution with 'important people' and then I bussed home to work. I'd planned an early finish. 4 hours later I'm still at it.

Late afternoon #3 son arrived home, back for the last time from uni in deepest west Wales. I was surprised he got everything in the back of a small Fiat. Made me wonder why we'd had a van to go the other way. So now there is me, 2 sons, #2 girlfriend (visitor) and the cat here. And I thought I'd be living alone.

Tonight it's off to Abercromby Place, to C's, for a couple of hours singing with the pub crowd. I'll be on water. Suddenly I seem to like it that way better.

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