
By MamaOfBoys

We salmon, we hope you like salmon too.

Remember how in yesterday's blip i hoped Mar got better? Yeah well the universe had other plans! 

Last night  around 10pm Marley woke crying- really upset. I noticed his face had come out in spots and it  looked a little swollen, he was having a lot of trouble swallowing. I thought best to get him checked out again.

My father in law took us down to the after hours and we were seen pretty quickly given we had already been in that day and it was quiet there.
 The nurse swabbed Marley's throat and it came back positive for strep. My poor babe! The nurse said his tonsils were very red and swollen.

We saw the doctor and he thought the spots could possibly be strep related and if they went away with antibiotics then that was the cause, but if they didn't- given he's had a cold on and off for a couple of weeks and the way the spots looked he said it could possibly be chicken pox.

Whaaaaaaat!!!! Seriously?? Again? On top of strep throat? Anything else doctor, what other good news do you have for me there? Oh its very infectious? both strep and chicken pox! Wonderful. I knew chicken pox was going around the school but was glad Mar already had it.... spoke too soon i guess.

Marley has already had chicken pox last year as you can see here but if i remember he didn't get it really bad, it was quite light. Also it sort of freaks me out that if it is indeed chicken pox he had it 27th may last year, today's the 31st may...... weird right? 

So far Mar has had 4 doses of antibiotics and the spots haven't gone, he's actually gained a couple but he himself has improved he was able to eat this afternoon so i'm pleased for that. He spent most of the morning in our bed and fell asleep in the sun.

My father in law told Marley last night a story he told him once before when he had glandular fever early in the year. 
That there are bad bugs that wear big boots with nails and they kick and stomp around causing pain, and there are good bugs that wear slippers and go quietly around shushing and shooing the bad bugs. 

When mar heard it for the first time he was rather upset about bugs in his body with shoes on but last night he loved it, asking all kinds of questions to pop ' what do the good bugs say to the bad bugs?'

I'm so tired today, i'm not sure if my brain is even there anymore, it sort of went   'right well uhh, we've done this before last year so i'll just head off to somewhere tropical, be back in a few days'

I got up at 5am yesterday and by the time mar was asleep in bed after the doctors last night- i couldn't sleep, i guess i was overtired.
 So i watched lip sync battle!! Haha i know, weird thing to watch so late at night but it made me laugh. 
After a couple of shows i thought is should probably go to bed it was 1am! I'd been up for 20 hours.

The boys got up early this morning around 630 so after 5 1/2 hours i was again up.

Coffee is my friend, coffee is my friend, coffee is my friend.

With all of this i needed to get out today, we were having that family lunch this afternoon but i couldn't possibly see me getting away for it so i went around to my in laws before lunch while Harper and mar slept and Kanye watched the military tattoo.

They lovingly made me coffee. Hmm and provided some chocolate Hmmmm.

While i was there they were preparing the salmon (which they realized later on was actually trout haha) so they de-finned it and de headed (or is it beheaded? - i think i prefer de- heading,  beheading sounds like the fish did something wrong and was being punished). 

In the pics above you can see my father in law aka pop on the left, my sister in law in the middle and my mama in law aka grandma on the right.

I watched, cringing that someones finger was accidentally going to get chopped off, the fish was slippery and tough to cut.

Though i missed lunch, my mama in law sent me the other 2 pics of the about to be cooked fish and the final presentation with cake... 

I'm going tomorrow to have cake probably again without my family- they are too sick for cake. Only healthy people eat cake.

When i got back from their place Harper had woken from his nap- with spots. On his legs and face and tummy. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!! Anything else? Harper has already had pox too and he got is nasty. He only has a few like Mar but i am suspicious of these spots

They look pox ish too. 

I guess i'll be taking them both to my doctor on Tuesday to check these spots- to me though i've seen them before. Hopefully they go and its just a very very mild case but i guess for now i'll just wait and see what happens...

To end on a happier non tired grumpy me note the bottom left pic is of a pumpkin next to an apple. Isn't is sooo cute? I love mini versions of things and this wee pumpkin is adorable, there was an even smaller one! 

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