Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Monday -- Memorial Day

The construction crew had told us they would be working on the house today, but that they would be arriving at about 9:30 or 10:00. So it was a little strange when we did not see them or hear from them all morning. We knew that they were having a morning meeting, so we just waited knowing that we'd eventually hear from them. It was almost 1:00 when the phone call came from Chris letting us know that they had just gotten out of their meeting and that they would not be coming now because it was just too late. So we would see them tomorrow.

We were immediately out of the house and on our way to do some errands. Our first stop was at the Shine Cafe to get some delicious lunch. We had decided not to go to the Los Osos/Baywood Park Farmers Market because we will be leaving the Central Coast on Wednesday and filling the refrigerator with produce and with Stephanie's good soup and then having to transport all of that south to home with us made no sense.

After lunch we stopped at the Achievement House store (a thrift store) in Morro Bay because I wanted to look for baseball hats and I did find two that I purchased: one from Hawaii and one that I will probably wear on the evening of graduation because it has a horse emblem on it and our school mascot is the Mustang.

Later in the afternoon we took the three pups to the Cayucos pier area to walk on the sand and realized that a ceremony would begin at 3:00 to honor America's military personnel. It was quite impressive and we were glad that we got to hear and see all that was said and done.

The photo is the view across the bay to Morro Rock and the PG & E (Pacific Gas & Electric) power plant. The morning moisture finally cleared so that everything just looked beautiful. This view was the selling point almost three years ago when we first toured the house.

That's it for this Monday.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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