This life thing...

By mrpin


The first image to come through with my new camera made from a mask. Grade 8 have been making them, today I realised how tricky the whole thing was getting, but I am forever impressed with how enthusiastic they are as a group.
This was 6 minutes wedged between the window and mostquito screen, I didn't realise how big the screen would appear, but you can just see the bridge in the background.
Spent the evening packing, finally getting on with it. In three and a half years I have collected a fair amount. Tonight I spent time wading through it all throwing away as much as possible. When I first arrived I have 2 boxes I'd like to leave with the same amount but it just isn't possible. During the sorting I found the diary from when I first arrived. January 5th 2009 read ''Move to Busan, South Korea'' I knew nothing of Korea or Busan at that stage, it was a busy day.
Spoke to some guy from the Korea Herald later on - talking Queen. Might get something in for next week, as ever we shall see.

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