Guess who's drunk already..?!

Ollie is back in the UK visiting this weekend so Alex & I headed out for a night of drinks & catch ups.
It's been some 18 months since I last saw Ollie & Ben- his leaving night out in January 2014, to be precise.
It was really good to be out with Alex by my side & we both has a fun time. Nothing changes with Ollie & Ben & it's was like no time has passed since the 4 of us were out on a Cuckoo night out.

All of a sudden, it was like a get very drunk switch was flicked on my other half & he went from being merrily drink to completely off his face.

Thankfully a very thoughtful taxi driver helped me get him off the pavement & into the cab & home. He was an absolute dead weight & completely unresponsive!
He cannot recall the latter half of the night at all...
It's such a horrible state to be in- being able to recall it well for me recently.
There is the blessing for at least to not have to clean & empty a house nor visit the tip..!

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