Birthday girl

Alex & I worked this morning at his parents' prior to Gracie's birthday party.
Upon all squeezing in the car with a multitude of luggage & cuddly toys we got there. Amusingly Ferguson was mistaken for a girl-which he kind of took in good spirits!
The slight hurdle was to be in the company of Kerry, Sinead's sister & perhaps closest comrade. Yes, it's a long time ago & Sinead & I have, for a good while, communicated well, it's just facing a family member who can occasionally hold a longer grudge that the "wronged" person.
That said though, she was very pleasant & friendly & I found myself chatting to both sisters with no hint of awkwardness.
Kerry & I encouraged our sons, Ferguson & Leo, to play together & talked about how crazy & run-about 6 year old boys can be.
Gracie seemed to have a good time running about, doing what you are able to do when it's your party-being in charge of your friends! It was a sad goodbye when the time came, there was quite a number of glum faces & a few tears.
It's been a hectic fun family week & a shame for it to have to end.
It was quite a sweet thing for Sinead to text later to say that Ferguson had made quite an impression in Leo & asked if he may invite him to his birthday party in September.

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