Plus ça change...

By SooB

Shiny happy people

Who would have thought chocolate milk was such a wonder food? Not only will it give you shiny hair, but also strong teeth and bones and great skin. (All on the other side of the carton). I normally buy a different type for my choc-milk addicted son, but who am I to deny him shiny hair?

Buying chocolate milk was pretty much the highlight of my day, save for a hug at about 5.15 this evening.

I had to go to B&Q, Ikea and Costco today, but despite all three being the busiest I've seen them and despite me leaving my wallet in the car twice and having to run out from the checkout, they were not the cause of my rubbish day.

I tore off a fingernail trying to avoid a heavy box falling on my favourite sunglasses, resulting in a river of blood and world of pain. But that's not why I'm so grumpy.

Trying to park to take Conor to an appointment, I bumped a car. Really slowly and really barely at all. I had a quick look and there was a tiny, tiny chip of paint off the wing. So I did the decent thing and left a note with my phone number under the wiper. A bunch of maintenance guys were hanging about watching my pathetic parking attempt, and resulting car wreck. When I wandered back through the car park having found somewhere else to park they were huddled around the stricken car reading my note - my private note, with my phone number on. I had a few words with them.

After the appointment I passed by the car park on the way back to the car and the car was still there but the note was gone. Very odd. So now I'm convinced that the note has been taken by the maintenance men who are going to try and con me out of cash by pretending to be the car owner. The real car owner will one day wonder how they got that tiny nick out of their wing and sigh at the irresponsible state of our society.

Anyway, the thing that really bugs me is that probably most people wouldn't have left a note at all. I mean it was such a small bump that you wouldn't notice the damage. People have left dents in my car and just driven off. So now I have to wait and see how screwed I'm going to be because of my honesty.

So here I am waiting for the phone to ring; on tenterhooks. (NB to reach tenterhooks, just turn left at the moral high ground, and it's right there).

PS. The hug was from Mr B. Thanks love.

PPS. Thanks to blip I had my camera with me so now a series of pictures of the damage (including one with a tape measure for scale - anal, me?) and of the car with and without note. And one of the maintenance guys (though I was scared and took it through the windscreen so it's a bit blurry).

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