Plus ça change...

By SooB


This is North Berwick. It's a lovely East Lothian town: great beach, proper high street and, save for the occasional parking chaos, a friendly, laid back kind of place. Just make sure to remember to bring your own carrier bags if you come here, they're very big on all that.

Foreground left you should just be able to see the big anchor which, in the absence of a more appropriate prop, I used to illustrate my rudderlessness a while ago. So I'm feeling much more rudder-ful these days, which seems like a good thing. No reason for that really other than I seem to have more to do than can be squeezed into the day. I'm horrified to think that this legal battle we're in is giving me purpose, as the logical conclusion to that is a return to desk bound lawyerdom. Hmmmm.

To fight against this scary conclusion, we had a craft afternoon at home making halloween decorations. Now, with one slightly rubbish string spiders web, five papier mache spiders (ok, lumps of newspaper to be painted and be-legged) and a stack of cut out pumpkin shapes, I'm realising why people just go to Woolies and buy it all. Mind you, I did get a lovely flashback to primary school days with five blissful minutes peeling off pva glue from my fingers (please tell me I'm not the only one who deliberately got gluey just to peel it all off....)

Don't normally make such a fuss about halloween but we've friends coming up from London so it seems like a good excuse for pushing the boat out a bit.

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