Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

Day of Reflection

Sunday was a much-needed day of rest. Well, after leading a church service in the morning that is!

It had been a busy two or three weeks, with much on my mind: a church fete to organise, several church services to plan and lead, a football cup final to anticipate, a Ramblers walk to lead, a daily photograph to take(!) and all those other 'little' things, the routine things that I need to do and those I choose to do. 

It is not in my nature to stand still or sit still, and although little of this activity could be classed as particularly difficult or taxing, there were times when it all seemed to mount up with various deadlines adding their own unnecessary tensions. 

So after getting home from church I spent the rest of the day in front of the TV perfecting my best couch potato technique. 

By 6pm and little food in the fridge - ah, the fridge, I haven't mentioned that story (just another unwelcome niggle that I didn't need during the past week) - I needed to get out and take my daily photo, I mean buy some food to eat. 

So a swift stop by the Forth & Clyde Canal at the Falkirk Wheel on my way to the supermarket killed two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. 

Photos taken, food purchased, cooked and consumed and another couple of hours in front of the TV before retiring for an early night. 

It's the first day of June tomorrow and my diary has days with some blank spaces in them. Wonder how long that will last?

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