Wedding Belles

My lovely mummy and girly on my parents 47th wedding anniversary.
Poor old dad was working so Pops and I took mum to the Linton Kitchen for coffee and cake.
As it is a tiny little café with few seats, you often end up sharing a table with other people and while we were there a group of 3 ladies joined us. One of them looked very familiar and, by a process of elimination, we realised that we worked together at Addenbrookes hospital 20 years ago. We had a lovely catch up, she took my number and promised to ring me next time they have a works get together.
Who am I kidding? She probably chucked it in the bin as soon as she got outside.
Sorry, D. (He hates that strikethrough thingy)
Enough rambling, I have a grubby 9 year old to wash, scrub and detangle before she can go back to school tomorrow.

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