Day 2 bee (or not to be)

An odd day. Slept 12 hours last night which meant the day got off to a very slow start. It had clearly rained during the night but was quite sunny by the time I got up.

The temptation was to get back out in the garden but I think I overdid it a bit yesterday so resisted. Decided to do a bit of work (it's report writing time). Put my memory stick in the computer and the whole system crashed which resulted in the data I wanted off the memory stick had disappeared. Much swearing ensued, Anyway, to cut a long story short, I downloaded some recovery software and managed to retrieve the files I needed. Phew!

After that I felt in need of some fresh air so went off down to the quay. A coffee and a piece of cake in the sunshine made me feel a lot better. Here's a shot of the sky to prove that the sun was out!

Went for a stroll alongside the river and noticed that the embankment going up to the road was full of flowers. Bees were all over the wild Lupins and the Oxeye Daisies are looking beautiful.

Just got back to the car before the heavens opened. It's looking like it might be a stormy evening.

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