
By MamaOfBoys

It's the pox

Again. Says my doctor.

Apparently though you are meant to be immune to the virus once you have had it. It's totally possible to get it again if you're body/immune system is trying to fight something else or is low. The spots - though few are still on Mar and Harper.

So while their bodies did try to fight the virus because of the lack of more spots they ended up with a low dose of the pox.

I asked her 'so now, once they get over this, will they then be immune?'

She laughed and said 'well nothing is 100%'

That's not funny.....At all.

So Marley is off school for the week. The doctor said that even though he's got some antibodies to the virus and has a low dose of it, the virus causing it is still the same so... Infectious.

Which also means the 2 hour important eye examination for Harper on Wednesday at the hospital will need to be rescheduled.

Even with all this, they've been pretty well behaved little guys today.

Mar read books to Harper, they built duplo together, watched postman pat and had fluffies in their dinosaur cups.

They weren't that active, it wasn't warm today and neither of them wanted to be outside.

Kanye had a great first day back at school, he's enjoying playing with the kids in his class but also from the mainstream part of the school.

They were all in bed at 7 tonight asleep, all so tired. Marley especially so, I went in to find him asleep with his book on his face! Bless! I've been there. So tired he couldn't put his book down!

We gave Harper a proper hair cut tonight so his hair is short all around, he looks so sweet!

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