The Bridge

This was not what The Boss intended tonight. It was an early tea and on the train, up the street, up the stairs, on to The Bridge, discover that the Bridge shock something awful so further up The Bridge to one of the big stone bits that didn’t shake but find the view was not all that grrreat and was already occupied by the Harbour Bridge Photographic club and guest members, so walked along The Bridge and chated to a really nice Ausi who had never been to NZ but had had some interesting life experiences instead, ultimately walk to the far end of The Bridge and grabatrain bark to the Quay, walk down the end and get this shot (and multitudinous others).
Had a grrreat fun day earlier with a walk around Cremorne Point and learnt a bit about fairies. NO NO NO ferries. If you lived in Cremorne Point you could quite legitimately say that there were ferries at the bottom of the garden. Right…Glad we have got THAT out of the way. The Boss has got a magic card that gets him on almost anything as many times as he likes. NO the Ausi’s were not accepting of his aged status but were happy about his cash.   

Two additional images tonight, one from The Bridge Adventure and the other the sunset view from my apartment this evening (totally unprocessed) Enjoy.

Oh and large is pretty cool...wiif?


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