Summer color

There are a few things that make me feel more feminine and pretty and one of them is getting my nails done.  Especially at this time of year when we all come out of our hibernation from winter and are outdoors doing more socializing, going to the beach and attending graduations, weddings etc.
I picked a bright pink for my nail color and I'm loving it.  My toes match too!

Today the rain continued all day and all night.  I woke up to raindrops hitting the window and Dillon in the bed.  I thought it was odd since he had been sleeping in his new bed all night.  I sat up in bed, put my glasses on and I saw why he was in my bed.  He had made a hole in his bed and pulled out 1/2 the stuffing!!!  It was all over the room. 

Maybe he had a dream like I had.  Bugs!  Usually I dream about bugs when I'm stressed.  I am not sure why I dreamed about them last night but I did.  I dreamed that I had gone into the bathroom and closed the door and when I went to sit on the toilet, I looked up and the entire back of the door was covered with bugs and I couldn't get out.  I was screaming for help and then I woke up.  Terrible. 

A big hug and a thank you to everyone that commented on my 1,000th Blip.  I really appreciated your kind words.  I've made so many friends that I truly treasure here on Blip.  You are all wonderful. 

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