I think he's a star in the making

And just to be sure, I'm going to get Gary Barlow to do the vocals. No one will ever know.

In other news poor little Megan is in hospital at the moment. She's running a fever and the initial blood tests point to anemia. Not especially unusual in premature babies apparently as the babies iron stores are built up in the final stages of pregnancy (enough for their first 6 months), so premature babies are at risk. Unsure what the remedy is, but I have read that you need to be careful to use a baby formula fortified with iron so this may help. Unfortunately, the Chinese approach to any illness is to give the patient a drip, even a tiny baby and they do this through a vein in the skull which is quite distressing for the parents to witness. Hopefully she will be as right as rain in a day or two and back home with mum & dad.

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