
By littlesedz

Happy Birthday Mummy!

Today is Mummy's birthday, me and Daddy gave her some presents this morning, including a photobook of some of her favourite pictures of me. (Daddy still doesn't know about mine and Mummy's plans for my yearbook!)
Daddy dropped me and Mummy off at Grandma's on his way to work, then Grandma took us to Dunham Massey.
We went to see the hospital museum there - the house was set up as it was when it was used as a hospital in the First World War. Mummy loved it!
There were actors pretending to be nurses and patients - 2 of them were having an argument about a man called Thomas, it was very confusing for me!! I kept trying to talk back to them!
We had a drink in the cafe and then headed home. Everyone was supposed to be coming to our house tonight for a takeaway, but Grandpa isn't well and Grandad isn't feeling to brilliant either. Grandma suggested we stayed at their house and had a takeaway there instead, so after a quick trip home to collect some essentials we went to Grandma and Grandad's.
We sang happy birthday and Mummy blew out the candles on her birthday cake before I got ready for bed.

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