
By LeGreveKarjala

A Lady Slipper

I have these blooming in my backyard.  When I was
a young girl walking along a country lane in Michigan,
I sighted this flower.  I was stunned by its intricate
beauty; so picked it and brought it home to share
with my Dad.  He called it an Indian Moccasin and
explained its shape to me.  I was enthralled and
carry this precious memory with me still today.

Dial to about ten years ago.  By then I had gathered
a personal orchid collection, used them as imagery
for my watercolors and had joined a local orchid society.
During the many years, all the native orchids in this
area had been placed on the endangered-protected list.
Our orchid group was invited to rescue these flowers along
side a highway designated to become a four-lane highway.
We all took what we could an shared them with botanical
gardens and the like.  I brought a few home and they are
still with me.

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Taking Off the Moccasin Flower and Putting On the Lady's ...

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