It should have been easy..

..leaving Cheltenham at midday to get a flight from Luton at 6 pm. Make the most of being in the land of decent pubs we thought and so visited this idyllic one on the River Windrush for a quick lunch - a pub chosen by our PM to entertain Mr Hollande, the President of France.
The quick lunch did not materialise - in fact nothing did. A confusion over languages , or at least interpretation, was eventually resolved but the sandwich still took a long time to create and so we left on a tighter time scale.
Then we hit traffic and around Dunstable panic was setting in. Of course the queues at security were horrendous and we didn't have the right size of plastic bag - a fact Tricia was not too enthused by with one of the security people. The gate for our flight was a far physically as it could be from the security and so we almost ran.
But we did get the flight and landing at Beziers as the sun was setting, the dash dash of the last few weeks felt like it was falling away. We got back to Les Traverses just on midnight looking forward to a few quieter days ahead

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