Walking the Night in her Silver Shoon

I stayed up past my bedtime last night and into this morning to bring you this out of focus image of a full moon.
It is out of focus because I took it with my digital camera steadied on the window frame, being too lazy to get the DSLR camera out of its bag.

Needless to say, the actual view was so much better with the ghostly appearance of the moon through the branches of the trees shedding a silver light over the Meadows.

Yesterday's retail therapy involved buying trousers a size bigger than normal. The scone research has had serious side effects and I thought it would be good to wear trousers that weren't so tight round the waist that I had multiple muffin rolls in place that muffin rolls should not be.
Unfortunately the new bigger trousers are just as tight and furthermore do not have incorporated 'stretchability '.
They will have to be returned with no plans on my part to go for an even larger size, that would just be too gross.

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