Centuries-Old Café

A sunny, WARM day.  No lectures on Thursday so before going to work (I could have opted not to) I thought I'd wander around Dordrecht for a couple of hours and see what there is to see.  I have blipped here before and just now I realize it was in June as well.  At the time, though, I had arrived too late to climb the church tower so that was one thing I definitely made time for today -- 274 steps, to discover, once I was 'upstairs', that the stone railing was exactly my height, meaning I couldn't look comfortably at the view.  What does a midget do?  Right -- she crouches and enjoys the view through the balustrade columns ... haha!  Of course I was able to take shots over the railing as well, but on tiptoe.  Dordrecht is only about 20 minutes from where we live, if there's no traffic on the A16, so I am definitely visiting a few more times.  One of the attractions is a windmill ... and there's an interesting interior deco shop that caught my eye ...

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