at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Dinner party

I tried to make Ivy play dough today in the thermomix and made a horrible sticky mess- I tried to persuade ivy sticky was okay and she bit funny about it on her hands, need to remember to do more 'yucky' sensory play with her, really really do not want her to get fussy about things like that. Put it back in and 'cooked' some of the stickiness out and she played happily with pops for a good 40minutes. She kept asking pops to make her a ball, the. When she got it back, she divided the ball in two - gave him back half and asked for a new ball. The ever decreasing size of pops bit of play dough was incredibly funny.

John sent me a message in the afternoon to ask if we were about for a visit. I suggested he join us for dinner, since it's a bit of the day when we're sitting down anyway and it's before the rush of bedtime. I had a pork shoulder in the oven anyway, that turned out to not be half bad - although not as 'pulled' as I was hoping for. I got to have my new extendable dining table fully pulled out for the first time- I was very pleased.

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