at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

The pen is mightier than the sword

At rhyme time this morning, Ivy got a bit put out by the actions to twinkle twinkle (which look an awful lot like what we use for milk), she got very excited and started to clap for please- and then was a bit upset when noone lifted their t-shirt for her. Her use of the word please just now is amazing- she seems to have found one word (sign) that'll do her for everything and covers all emotions. A little boy took a maraca from her today, and she forlornly clapped to ask for it back. I think her being told to say 'please' before she takes something might actually help her to learn not to snatch when she's a bit bigger.

She had snack for the first time ever at Gaelic toddlers in the afternoon- she enjoyed it, but was still eating long after all the bigger kids had left the table. She tried cucumber for the first time (I don't eat cucumber) and made lots of cheese crumbs on the floor. She has a gaggle of admiring 3 year old girls, who think she's the best dolly ever. She's normally very good at being petted- altough there was amoment today when I worried her head might get pulled off and had to rescue her. Three of her cloth nappies leaked today- I'm not quite sure what i've done to them- and I foolishly didn't take a change of clothes or a spare nappy to toddlers (because I've never changed her there before) - had to borrow a disposable from Ayesha. When Ivy is in a disposable it really highlights just how much bulk her cloth bum adds- all her vests hang loose. We're going travelling in July (to a wedding and to Italy) and we've decided we're going to take cloth with us.

When she woke up from her afternoon nap she was like a different person- she was crying inconsolably- I can only assume her teeth must have been bothering her. Not even a big long feed cheered her up. She was upset for a good hour of cuddling and back patting- until Euan came home and she instantly cheered up. I was just pleased she had finally cheered up. I went for a walk down to the allotment to water- and had a strawberry out of the polytunnel whilst Euan gave her her dinner. I got an email last night to say some young children had got into the polytunnel and played at being gardeners- including picking red strawberries and planting them in the ground. Thankfully, none of my strawberries were harmed.

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