I do love a moon daisy

I've had a lovely day today. I drove over to Wilton to meet up with a friend - I live in Frome and she lives in Bournemouth, so it's a good midway point for us. We met at the Wilton Shopping Village. Now, I hate shopping with a passion  and hubby, diamond that he is, is always complaining that I rarely spend any money on myself. Two pairs of shoes and a skirt later... rather out of character!

Then this evening I went to the preview evening of SS&L's summer show, and that was fun too! My job was to take some photos to prove to our marketing department that the money they spent on hiring the venue has been well spent, and there were certainly a lot of visitors - and quite a few sales too!

Thanks for the good wishes for Younger Son yesterday. It took him very little time yesterday to get back into the knack of riding a bike again, and he went out for about an hour today - he's very happy!

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