
By terracotta


It's been a lovely day today…. thought it might be hot in the attic office at work but there are lots of windows to open and the roof is well insulated.   We did have one funny moment though, there are round windows at both ends of the room…  We went to open one and the whole window came out - fortunately into the room :-)  

The photo is of my other selkirk rex Bunny :-).  He's now 8 years old.  He and Dumpling share the same grandad, Jengari Amaretto (Rhett) - who came over from Australia and in retirement strangely ended up going back.
When Dumpling got stuck on the roof last week it was Bunny who came to show him it was safe to come down.  You might see that his left eye is slightly cloudy.  He had a corneal ulcer a couple of years ago and thanks to superb veterinary care and a lot of hard work it healed with not much damage when for quite a while it looked like he would lose his eye.

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